Monday, July 14, 2008

We've had requests for more specifics on our itinerary.

We fly out on July 17th at 12:00 pm Northwest Air. We fly From Buffalo to Detroit.
Detroit with a quick stop in Tokyo then to Shanghai arriving 8:55 pm July 18th (Shanghai time).

On the way home we Leave Guangzhou on July 30th at 8:20am through Tokyo, through Detroit then arriving Buffalo July 30th 6:15 pm Nothwest 891L.


creekgal57 said...

Dear Mia, Michael and Merri Lee,
Godspeed! I hope the journey is a Great Adventure! Hope to meet Neela once she has arrived. Will be thinking of you on July 21. What a long journey for a precious child!
Sue (Mark and Abe and Hope too!)

Simply-Family said...

We are looking forward to following your journey! Thanks for sharing the blog. I remember only too well how the last few days are the most hectic and stressful. Pretty soon you will be in the air and on your way! Good luck! Neela's photos are beautiful.

Linda, Eric, Matthew, Mary Alice and Megan Ling.

Monkeywalk Global Network said...

Ooo, Nanjing! There's a very important bridge there, take some pictures! I hope you have a great trip. Can't wait to follow your adventures on the blog!

Soumi 宗美 said...
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Soumi 宗美 said...

Noble Cousins!

Greetings from Solveig! As the perpetual spoil sport, I should point out that you guys should have picked a nice name starting with the letter M so that you folks would be M to the fourth power.

Your Humble Servant
Solveig Throndardottir
Amateur Scholar

Mit and Sej said...

I would have to agree with Solveig, and then you could sign off your greetings with M^2m^2!

erin said...

Maybe they're moving on down the alphabet with N.

Nebbish request: could you use a title with each post? I subscribed to the Atom feed and it's easier to use when there's a title. But I'm clever so I will adapt if necessary...

Unknown said...

Hi M&M&M,

It's 6:00 pm Shanghai time as we write this so you won't arrive for a couple more hours...Hope you had a good trip over. Only three more days til 'gotcha' day!

Have fun on the train Mai. Nanjing is bigger than Sodor no doubt!

Richy, Patty, Samuel, Matt, Maggie, and Lily

pootiepie said...

Zoe misses Mia already!!! We are so excited to follow your journey. Enjoy every moment. Sending you many ((((hugs))),
Susan, Rob, & Zoe