Thursday, July 31, 2008

We're Home!

We made it back Ok.

Travels were smooth, no delays. Neela became an American Citizen in Detroit.

We are exhausted but we had a nice reception. An added bonus was getting to meet Nicholas, our dear friends Steph and Will's son that they adopted from Guatemala with a gotcha time of about 8 hours before we had our gothcha with Neela. That is one cute kid!

Neela had a bit of a rough night. Mostly over-tired.

We have a Pediatrician appointment today and will see the Orthopaedic doctor on Monday.

We'll keep you posted on progress.

Thanks all for all the well wishing and support!


Mikenjane said...

Welcome home! Hope to see you soon!

Jane, Mike, Ani and Elia

pootiepie said...

Welcome home!!!
If Mia wants a playdate instead of going to the doctor with Neela, please give us a call. We'd love to help out.
Susan, Rob, & Zoe

Mit and Sej said...

Welcome home, congratulations and good luck. Lily cannot wait to meet her new cousin!

Simply-Family said...

Hi Guys! Welcome back! I just got caught up on all your posts and was happy to see the smiles on both girls beautiful faces. It sounds like it was a rewarding but tiring trip. I can totally relate. We had people vomiting on various other people throughout the trip. It just added to the adventure to see if we were prepared to cope with it all. It's good you were able to get the formula for Neela that she was familiar with. I also understand about the delays in development. I know it feels disconcerting to see the discrepancy between chronological age and mental age, but it is good that you are seeing progress already. She will catch up in your wonderful environment. We are looking forward to seeing you sometime after you are recovered. Megan is doing great and is talking more and more.

Love, Linda G.

Unknown said...

Congratulations! Another beautiful child added to a great family!
Karl & Nancy Stoll

Ariannawyn said...

Congratulations! It was a great bonus to see you guys and meet Neela at Pennsic, however briefly. I'm looking forward to seeing her bloom under your loving care.


Unknown said...

I am so happy for Neela. She is a lucky girl to have such loving papa, mama and big sister!