Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Going Home Tomorrow!

We've been swimming on the roof of the Victory Hotel. The water must be at least 90 deg but it's still cooler than the air temp. Neela seems to enjoy the water and Mia had a great time as well.
We had our embassy appointment today and all went well except for Neela hosing Merri in the van with vomit on the way there. She felt much better after that (Neela that is).
Tomorrow we leave bright and early for the airport.
We've appreciated all the comments you've been making on the Blog, we look foward to reading them daily.
It will be a long road for Neela to catch up both physically and mentally with her age. We see improvements on both fronts daily. It is like an infant going through an accelerated development.
See you all soon!


Mikenjane said...

Wow, your photo brought back so many memories! We were also swimming on top of the China Hotel in Guangzhou in steamy July, 2001. Mia looks very happy, and Neela looks well- attached to Mom.

Best of luck as you make your way home! We know that with your love and support that Neela will catch up over the next few months and you will get to see and appreciate all those extra special milestones along the way.

You guys are the best! Can't wait to congratulate you in person!

Jane, Mike, Ani and Elia

trickyunicorn said...

Greetings from Durham, NC. We are so happy for all of you. Tim and I wish you all a safe and happy journey home and look forward to eventually meeting Neela and seeing Mia again.

Karen and Tim

Crappola said...


It's nice to hear that Merri got to experience a part of the joy that Michael got with Mia. Wouldn't want to be selfish with the vomitous children. I love the photo. Even more - I love the smiles! See you tomorrow at the airport - I won't forget to bring your wheels.


pootiepie said...

Safe travels!!! If you would like and think it would be helpful to Neela, Zoe can lend you her 2 Baby Signing Times DVDs after you return. They teach all the basics that babies and toddlers need to know to communicate their wants, needs, and feelings. I'm sure Mia would get a kick out of learning ASL, and they may very well be a life saver for all of you as Neela begins her journey to catch up developmentally.
(((hugs))) to all of you,
Susan, Rob, & Zoe