Saturday, July 19, 2008

Feeding the Lions.

Feeding the carp with Poppa and Uncle Zhou

Mia and Shu Shu Mark

Mia playing with bubbles with a new friend

We had a great day touring Shanghai today. For those of our friends that are going to Pennsic, yes Shanghai is that hot if not hotter, and yet at the same time totally cool!

We got to vist some of the old city, the Yuyuan Gardens, haggle with merchants, eat street food (and not get sick...yet) and saw the only cat we've ever seen in China.

We topped the evening off with a boat ride on the Bund to the mouth of the Yangzee river. The day was spectacular!


Mit and Sej said...

Great Pictures and stories! It sounds like you guys are having a wonderful time! Looking forward to your homecoming and meeting Neela.

Hopefully the rest of your journey is as fun and eventful.

Simply-Family said...

We are glad you arrived safely. We went to the AC annual picnic yesterday and had a great time. We missed you guys. Can't wait to hear about Neela.


Crappola said...

Wow! The pictures are great!!!!! Except for the fish, there are a lot of fish! I hope that you are having a wonderful time, we are all thinking about you and sending you lots of love as your beautiful family grows to 4.

Love Kelly and Kevin

Anonymous said...

Aw, even the fish are cute! I hope Mia is having a good time seeing the country where she came from.
Auntie Patti