Sunday, July 27, 2008

We're in Guangzhou

This is a couple of days worth of stuff in Guangzhou.

Neela has been making great strides every day. Feeding her formula has been no problem but we are limited to just that at this point and it must be from the bottle and nipple from the orphanage. There must be something to a nipple that's been chewed on by 50 other kids.

Between Nanjing and Guangzhou, Uncle Zhou has been to at least a dozen stores looking for the exact formula. We finally found some tonight in a large department store. Hopefully that's enough until we can transition her to other food.

Smiles are now pretty easy and giggles don't take as much work. We are giving her more time out of the brace and her legs are just giddy with the extra freedom. Nap time has been compromised with her newly developing skills, she is always finding new ways to play with her toes and feet so time in the crib has come down to quiet play time.

Night time sleeping is pretty good except for her cough that is still hanging around usually wakes her up in the middle of the night but she goes back down fairly easily.

Visiting a Buddhist temple. This is just before Mark nearly sets Zhou on fire.

Always time for a playground.

We visited Yuexiu park in Guangzhou. It's been close to 100 deg the last few days and very humid. Our shirts are not soaking wet from rain.

Big sister loves having little sister sit in her lap.

We've ridden the subway in both Nanjing and Guangzhou. They are very clean, modern, air conditioned and on a full car, someone will always give up a seat for someone carrying a baby.

We've had some great meals with Uncle Zhou's guidance. Mia has been trying all sorts of dishes including fish, snail and eel.

Mia offering Neela a noodle.

Neela eating a Noodle!!!


Mikenjane said...

Congrats on getting to Guangzhou! You're on the downhill slope of the ride now. Love the photos.

Mia and Neela look like they're having a great time playing together. Neela is really stunning, such beautiful eyes.

We ended up bringing home a whole suitcase of Ani's fave formula. And if Neela is taking a bottle and slurping noodles, you are doing outstandingly well! (Plus, you can hide almost any baby food in a bottle.)

Can't wait to meet the whole newly- expanded family in person.

Best wishes,
Jane, Mike, Ani, Elia

Crappola said...

Wow - I can't wait to hear the story about Mark and the fire! Thanks for the update - it sounds like things are more peaceful and joyful now that everyone is eating, but snails?????????? Oh boy, I'm going to stick to the chicken here in good ole USA. I love the pictures, and I truly can't wait to meet my new niece. Hey, I hear MJ has some tricks for sneaking vegetables into Rick's food, maybe she can share her tips with you on sneaking some into Neela's bottle?

pootiepie said...

We are just smiling from ear to ear for you guys! Congrats on making it to Guangzhou ... you're almost home free. Sounds like Mia is doing a terrific job trying new foods. Somehow, I cannot see Z trying snails and other interesting dishes. I suspect she'll have to survive on rice for many of her meals when it is our turn to travel. Zoe can't wait for you to get home so she can meet Neela and share some big girl time with Mia. We miss you and are excitedly awaiting your return home. Sending you (((hugs)))
Susan, Rob, & Zoe