Friday, July 11, 2008

Here are the original referal photos for Neela

This is the 2nd set of photos we received.

We leave on July 17th and fly into Shanghai arriving in the evening of the 18th. On the 20th we take a train (Mia's first train ride!) to Nanjing. Gotcha day will be on the 21st.

We will stay at the Ramada Nanjing until the 25th when we will fly to Guangzhou.

We come home on the 30th.

Thats all for now. We have a Skype account setup so hopefully all will work fine. We should have internet access at all of the hotels.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I look forward to following your journey....Mia will be such a wonderful big sister, I know Zoe will miss her but looks forward to meeting her travels....Zoe's Granmommy Donna