Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Finally getting her to eat

We were quite worried about her eating. She had not eaten for 2 days and minimal fluid intake. After talking with some physician friends we were ready to go back to the hospital and get a feeding tube.

We had to sign the official papers first. The Assistant orphanage director brought a bottle with the formula they use at the orphanage after Zhou had given her a call.

It took a little "influence" to get her started, but she sucked down the whole thing. The particular bottle and the formula was the ticket. They ran out a couple bags of the formula from the orphange for us. We've gotten 4 bottles in her today and we can see improvement in her interactions and focus already.

The caretaker and a doctor from the orphanage came out and we got a lot of questions answered.


Unknown said...

What a beautiful picture of your TWO girls. Mia looks so proud. Thank goodness you're able to get food into her....she just wanted what SHE wanted!! Hope it will be smooth sailing the rest of your journey!! Love & prayers from Zoe's Granmommy....Donna

Crappola said...

Oh -that is such good news. Mia looks so happy to be a big sister. I am so glad that Neela is eating now. Thinking of you and sending lots of hugs. Thanks for keeping us posted on this blog - it is wonderful. Hey Mia, Auntie Kelly says hi!

Lorna MacDonald Czarnota said...

Hi Merri, Mike, Mia, Neela it's Aunt Cookie.
Grandpa Tom is a bad booy who never opens his email and seldom ever tells Aunt Cookie what's going on, so Aunt Cookie only just now found out about your blog.

I am sorry to hear about the problems, but very happy it is improving. I know I would have been a wreck. Merri, you're amazing.

Mike: Have to find out how to do this blog stuff, way cool.

Hugs and kisses. Mia, remember our postcard.
Love, AC

Mikenjane said...

Dear Merri, Mike, and Mia,

Congratulations on Neela! She looks beautiful in her pink dress and Mia looks like she's having a great time in China.

As for the feeding problems -- we faced the same issues with Ani when we received her. Part of her problem was that she was teething and badly constipated. When her new tooth came in and things started, um, moving along, she became more animated and started eating better. She also had to have her formula very hot.

It was very scary initially, but everything worked out well for us.

Also, does Neela have any skin infections? Ani had several serious skin infections from the heat, and we saw real improvement after her skin infections started to clear up.

We're sending you guys big hugs and best wishes from Buffalo (where it is raining heavily and 60 degrees).

Hang in there!

Jane, Mike, Ani and Elia

Anonymous said...

Hugs to all!
(Ask Max)

Robin C said...

Hi guys. I am watching the travels and remembering what it is like to be in a foreign place for so long. Glad all is going well, she is beautiful!!

Now that you have her, I know how anxious you must be to get home!! Can't wait to meet your new family!

Take care, Dave, Robin, DJ, Owen and Leia Cloy

pootiepie said...

Zoe is so excited to see her friend, Mia, holding her beautiful mei mei!!! Congratulations!!! We are so excited for your family and cannot wait to meet little Miss Neela.
(((hugs))) Susan, Rob, & Zoe

Mit and Sej said...

Everything looks great! I am glad to see that Neela is eating and becoming responsive to more! Lily cannot wait to meet and play with her new cousin!

Looking forward to your return, but while your gone enjoy yourself as much as you can and continue to make strides with that gorgeous addition to an already adorable family! Love and miss You guys,

Tim, April & Lily.

Non-Crapola said...

Hello Merri, Michael , Mia and Neela. I Glad to here things are going better and that Neela is eating. Thing of you and sending you lots of love. Thank you for sharing Neelas Journey, this is a great idea.